Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cheeseburger Crepes & Strawberry Cheesecake Crepes

Tonight’s experiment with crepes went delightfully.

Cheeseburger Crepe Ingredients

For dinner I made cheeseburger crepes, and I made them exactly how it sounds.

The crepe mixture had salt, pepper and a squirt of mustard.

The cream cheese mixture had grated onions mixed into it.
Preparing to Roll it Up

Ground beef and shredded cheddar.  
All the fixing’s for a good cheeseburger.

But as I bit into the concoction it had reminiscent flavor of a good burger, but it was better, in a crepe sort of way.  It made my mouth sing! All those flavors were dancing around in my mouth; I had to have a second right away!
Strawberry Crepe Ingredients

For dessert I made strawberry cheesecake crepes.
The crepe mixture has vanilla and sugar added.
The cream cheese mixture also had vanilla and sugar added.
Plus diced strawberries and chocolate syrup, Yummy!

After tasting the delicious crepes, I realize that chocolate syrup is way over powering on strawberries, and there wasn’t nearly enough cream cheese mix.
I am not saying they weren’t delicious, but next I can make them even better.

Ready to Roll
Finished Product

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome...those are both great ideas! Mmm :)